Every organization wants to raise more funds for their cause, but many staff members have explained to us their frustrations in trying to sell online themselves. It is simply too much work, too many fees, and too much time. That’s why we take all the work off your hands, utilize our expertise in E-Commerce, and bring money back to your organization and our community.

  • This program is free. We don’t charge you a penny. We make money by sharing the profit of items sold, so we only get paid when we make you money.

  • This is risk-free. We only take items that will make you more money than what you sell them for in your store.

  • There’s a no-commitment contract. You can quit anytime, for any reason. (There’s a reason 100+ organizations partner with us and none have quit!)

  • If you already sell online, there’s no downside to letting us sell your leftover items. We won’t interfere with your online sales. You choose what to give us to sell for you. If we can’t find any valuable items, then we don’t take any. (We ALWAYS find valuable items.)

  • We offer a no-obligation scanning of your inventory. Let us come by and show you how much value is on your shelves. We promise you’ll be shocked at what we find!


Is there any length of time that we have to work with you?

No. We have a commitment-free contract. You can quit at any time. We’re so confident you’ll love our program, we don’t have to lock you in a contract.

We are not located in your area. How would we get the books to you?

We provide you with boxes, pay for your postage, and UPS picks up for free right at the library!

Is the scanner easy to use?

Yes! The handheld scanner is extremely easy to use. We have several groups that have never used a cell phone before and can easily operate our scanner. It’s as simple as pushing one button to scan the barcode.

How much work is involved for us?

Not much! Most groups spend 10-20 minutes scanning the new donations that trickle in. Each book takes about 3 seconds to scan. That’s 20 books per minute. It’s a very fast scanner. 10 minutes per day is well worth several hundred dollars per month for your organization!

What types of books, DVDs, and CDs do you sell?

Every type, even library discards, books with no barcodes or ISBNs, books with writing/highlighting, water damage, foxing (commonly confused with mold), missing dust jackets, old antique books, scratched CDs/DVDs etc. We own refurbishing machines that can eliminate all scratches from CDs and restore them to like-new condition. We even sell older editions of textbooks that libraries typically throw away!

How are you different from other similar book companies?

Although our consignment service is the staple of the business, we offer much more than that by taking a holistic approach for our partners. Contact us today to see exactly what additional FREE services we provide!

We’re interested in partnering…what should we do next?

Just send us an email at or submit through our website letting us know that you’re interested! We’ll walk you through the next steps, addressing any questions or concerns that you may have.